

The first time I heard the word artificial intelligence, I was shocked and began to question the similarities between artificial and intelligence. I never knew you interact with AI systems everyday. I did not know you can see AI anytime you use search engines like google or explore websites. Therefore, artificial intelligence is when machines can do what humans can do. In summary, it is the intelligence demonstrated by machines.

Machine learning, as a subtype of artificial intelligence, is a way of identifying patterns, classifying patterns, group patterns and clustering those patterns you have identified and classified. Through the use of artificial intelligence, machines are able to perform human activities. Cognitive approach or computing is one of the ways to depict when artificial intelligence is behaving like a human.  Just as human beings go through the process of observation, hypotheses and evaluation before we make a decision, artificial intelligence undergoes these key steps before making decisions. 

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?

To understand how artificial intelligence functions, we need to know the basic domain of artificial intelligence and interpret each domain. Machine learning, as one of the domains, teaches how to make inferences based on past experiences. It uses a descriptive analysis. It analyses patterns and identifies past data in order to reach an outcome. Machine learning saves human time in businesses. It helps them to identify past data and make decisions from it. 

Deep learning is another subtype of artificial intelligence. It is a part of s broader family of machine learning. It mimics the working of the human brain in processing data, detecting objects, translating languages and most importantly making decisions. It uses both structured and unstructured data. Deep learning helps drivers to understand the scenario of roads, its working signals, and the significance of road signs. Its importance in shopping and entertainment, pharmaceuticals, moreso, its importance can be identified in the realm of literature. 

My journey to the world of literature will be incomplete without building it around artificial intelligence. Join me to identify how literature can work in artificial intelligence. 

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